Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Has it been that long?

Morning everyone!

It seems like ages since I last managed to get online to post on here, but here I am at last. Things have been really busy of late, and work has just got in the way. Not that I'm complaining in the least, but sometimes it's nice to take a break I think.

I did have a nice weekend though. I was working up in Southport on Saturday (**waves** to all the ladies!) and we had a brilliant day. It was Christmas all the way, but the product was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed the company of everyone who came along.

On Sunday, I had a girly day out up at Harrogate. It was fab! Better still, there was a SU stand! Monica and Jo were working their socks off as I strolled past. I had been asked if I wanted to do it too, but work had got in the way and with one thing or another I couldn't. Here's a pic of the stand (courtesy of Monica's blog). Take a peek over there to see other bits and pieces.

Doesn't it look fab? And all that colour.. just wonderful. I hope you both had a lovely day.

I had gone up to the show with my friend Sheila, and we had a lovely time indeed. We had a wonder round, saw some friends along the way, and were more or less done and dusted in an hour or so. Afterwards, we decided to go for dinner at the restaraunt on the Yorkshire Showground - Fodder. It was absolutely delicious. I bought home two of the most gigantic meringues you ever saw! They were so big that Martina's eyes nearly popped out of her head - she loves meringue!!!

I do have a card to show you, but the photo isn't that brilliant (taken on my phone - and it must have the worst camera in the world! Note to self - must charge up my camera battery!)

The card was made for Carley who needed a wedding card for work, so inside there are three sheets for everyone at work to sign. I finished it with a diamante heart through the voile ribbon (love this stuff!) and a little hat pin with swarovski crystal and pearls. I wish my photo was a bit clearer as it looks alot better in real life. I cut and decoupaged the little couple, and although you can't see too much from the photograph, the card was based around a caramel, cream and gold colourway.

Right.. that's all from me this morning. I'm just awaiting a delivery from Mr Ben, my UPS guy, who is bringing lots of new goodies from Stampin' Up. So.. must fly and get up and ready.

I hope you all have a lovely day, and I'll be back later to upload photographs from our workshop last night.

Happy Crafting!

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