Saturday 13 June 2009

Ladybird, Ladybird...

fly away home.... I hope this one doesn't decide to fly away too quickly, as I am loving this little card!

I took myself for a routine visit over to Dawn's Stampin Thoughts and found a little video tutorial for making this butterfly.. adorable or what?

I've used all SU products to create the card, details are HERE on my SU blog if you need more information.
Here's a little close up of the little lassie.. I always think ladybirds have to be ladies, but of course they don't.. lol
That's all for today - had a hell of a day yesterday which has left me aching, moaning and wishing it had all never happened!!! Guessing what it is? Well.. may tell you more on that later.. hehe.


  1. awwww this is adorable Jo!!

    I watched Dawn's video too isn't she great xx


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