Wednesday, 8 October 2008

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.... an appeal

la la la la la...

This is just what it looked like in my house yesterday..

I can hear you all gasping... and asking why I have so many prezzies already..

Well, as you know, I'm area coordinator for the SOS - Support our soldiers - charity. Link to the right ------------------------------------------------------------------------->

And yesterday, I collected all of these wonderful donations of shoe boxes, for our christmas appeal 2008. There are a total of 63 boxes piled up here, which have all been donated by the kind people at Milton Court, Doncaster.. a very very big Thankyou to these folks. Every bit of the donations will be used and appreciated by all the British soldiers around the world to whom these will be sent.

If you are wanting to put a box together for the charity, then please visit the site for more information on what you can/can't put in. You can also find there your local area representatives who can arrange to collect the parcels. All information is on the web site.

If you think you would or could help out in other crafty ways, then please get in touch. We are generally always on the lookout for cards for all occasions. I have personally collected cards for Christmas and get well cards for the troops in hospital, just for that bit of support. You can also make a small donation which enables us to support the soldiers in other ways.

Emma at elf creations (will upload the link later)has done a fantastic job on her blog, collecting in Christmas cards this year.. and a brilliant response there was too.

Cards are wanted generally all year round. It is a wonderful thing to send on packs of cards to the troops, which they can then send home for birthdays, congratulations, other occasions.

So... if you want to help.. you know where I am..

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