Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Winter Wonderland

well, that's what it looks like this morning.. I decided I was stopping in bed this morning because it was absolutely f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g!!!!!!!
This is a bit like what it looks like in my garden - however, I'm not spending time outside cos I'm a wuss today.. I really don't mind the cold weather - in fact, I love it, but my wooly pullies have still got to be unpacked ! It's only this last week that my heating's been on all year, so it must be cold.
At least we don't have snow.......................... yet!


  1. Wow great pic Jo looking at it gives me a chill lol i too wanted to stay in bed but no chance with Matthew:(. Glad we could make you laugh with the 5 min + 20min clean up choc cake lmao :)
    Val xxx

  2. I don't know about you guys but over here in Canada we call that Hoar Frost and I love it. I looks magical in the mornings, but it is too early for that sort of thing!

  3. Stunning photo!! You could put that on a Christmas card!! Brrrrr x

  4. Just wanted to say it was great to meet you today Jo...hope the rest of your day went well.
    Nikki x


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