Tuesday, 15 November 2011

less stressed ....

Oh boy - what a day yesterday turned out to be.. everything was going fine until early afternoon, then everything that could go wrong did go wrong!

So.. what's a girl to do when things get a bit stressy? Draw! That's what. And that's exactly what I did..

I have just got my little monkey from the lovely Erica from Odds and Soxlets, and whilst browsing her site, found that she runs a monthly challenge... and the one this month is for a drawing. So, I enjoyed coming up with these the other day, and thought I'd enter.

This was the work in progress, and I loved getting my drawing pen back in my fingers.
This is the finished sketch for the one above, but I couldn't just stop there... so I did this one too.
I hope you like them... nip over to Erica's site.. there are some beautiful things on there... I've got a basketful already waiting to be paid... and a daughter who's looking forward to recieving her bits and pieces. 

Happy Crafting  - or drawing - whatever the case may be.. lol. 


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