Friday 24 June 2011

I'm getting there.. still crafting away!

I am not-so-quickly managing to get through a big pile of work that needs doing - you know how it is.. you start something then change your mind, so the original card ends up at like 30 different versions.. lol..

Yesterday, I took a bit of a break to take some bits and pieces over to Sharon.. and on the way saw a little puddy tat get run over.Free Smiley Courtesy of

The poor little mite didn't stand a chance, it just darted into the road, and the lorry that hit it obviously wouldn't have seen it.. but no-one stopped and just kept driving past making sure they didn't hit it! I mean... come on... I know it is 'only a cat' (as some people would say).. but it's still someone's beloved pet! They weren't even driving that closely to each other that they wouldn't have noticed!! So, I stopped the car immediately, and the traffic, and picked up the poor thing, and although it had already passed away from its horrific injuries, still put it safely at the side of the road.

I was so infuriated that nobody had the decency to stop for a minute! How heartless! It was bloody obvious it was still alive for the few minutes they were driving past!! Then the thought of it looking like Sharon's cat, same sort of markings, made me panic even more, and when I got to hers I was a bit of a state. Thank heavens for a good strong cup of coffee! And also to find out later that her Mitzy was just fine, and at home.

I know when this happened to one of my cats quite a lot of years ago, the car that hit her didn't stop either and we had to deal with the aftermath of what happened. It's not very nice, and I accept that it's something that can happen (not to ours - they're both too lazy to go venturing and were indoor cats when we got them.)

So, even though I talked to the little cat whilst I was carefully moving it, I hope its journey to Rainbow Bridge was a quick and very painless one.. Sweet Dreams Little Cat. You were very beautiful.

(no.. this is NOT the cat, it is a picture taken from Google)


  1. AWWW how sad... hope your ok...
    I live in Portugal, and am sad to say I see cats and dogs laid on the road daily... It is very sad driving past.. but we have been told most of them will be wild anyway.

    Do some crafting to cheer you up xx
    hugs Claire x

  2. Aw soo sad, poor puss.

    Just to let you know that you should check out the MTTC blog, some important news for you!

    Wendy -x-

  3. Awww that is so sad & heartbreaking! Hugz hun!!! I woulda done the same....ya shoulda seen me sob after i accidentally hit a chipmunk that darted under me wheel a couple years ago! Very thankful that you didn't get run over in the process by another uncaring driver! Hugz doll!
    xoxoxo Lesley


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