Monday, 10 January 2011

Oh Gosh… it worked!

Finally.. I think I've managed to find myself a way of publishing a post!!!

I was getting so despairing of the fact that I can't post a post on here due to not being able to move my cursor down where it needed to be to post a post! Hope that makes sense.. lol.

Now the one thing I haven't tried is to upload a picture.. but I'm sure I'll get to that one later as I have some to show you.

So.. onto this week..

I had my very first demo of 2011. I was down in Derby and we had a great time at the demo. It was very busy most of the day, people saying how nice the new product was and thankfully, loved the samples that I had made. It was lovely to see some familiar faces too.. even two lovely ladies who are jetting off on an around the world trip in a few days. Unfortunately they'll miss my next demo, but will be with me for the one after in May. Another thing that I liked, was that I had chance to see the manager, Jackie. I don't get to work with her too often as it's usually her day off, so it was nice to say HI.. and we also had a new girl too.. and of course, HI to Carol who is a familiar face to me as I had worked at Papermill from time to time when she was there.. so it's lovely to have her around on my demo days. I wish you all a very happy 2011!

Next week, I'm having myself a road trip to County Durham.. so if you're around the Lambton Garden Centre area, then pop in and say HI.. it would be lovely to see you.

Until next time …

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