Tuesday, 24 March 2009

So.. what have I been upto?

I am absolutely shattered! I feel absolutely worn out today, and I'm sure it's because I've had such a busy couple of days.

I had a demonstration on Saturday, which was very busy all day and I had lots of fantastic crafters come to visit. Even my buddy Zoe came to gather a little bit of inspiration - as if she needs it! She is a lovely lady who always tries to come to my demo's and actually, it's lovely to see a familiar face or two there..

So, after a busy day on Saturday, I spent most of Sunday at home doing the housewifey types of things and of course enjoying Mother's Day. I was quite sad on the morning, when I found out Jade Goody had passed away. It's such a shame for someone so young to lose their life to cancer. I know people didn't always agree with her televising her illness, but I reckon if it leaves that memory in peoples heart to go and regularly get their smear tests and to act on the results, then it's all good. I just feel so sorry for her boys and her mum.. it must've been awful for them. People can decide to agree or disagree with me, but I thank her dearly for making folks realise just how awful cancer can be and how quickly you need to act on it ... Rest in Peace Jade.


Later on Sunday, I was packing my case ready to set off for Peterborough. I was due at Create and Craft at 7am on Monday to do a day of filming. I was filming on behalf of Phyllis and Diamond Card Craft and had two shows to pre-record. I was filming 9am to 11am, another Jo was filming the second show 12 until 2, and I did the last one at 3 until 5.

I got to the hotel around 8.30pm, and met up with Phyll and Jo to discuss the program. Settled into the room around 10.15pm, had a shower and went to bed... and didn't sleep! In fact, at half past three, I decided to get up and get a cuppa. I sat from 4am making cards (yep, I took my kit with me.. lol) and travelled to the studio for 7.

My floor manager was the lovely Howard (such a laugh and genuine nice guy!). The first couple of hours was taken up with setting up the product, product shots, set display and talking through the program.

I was recording the show with Nigel and I must say, we had a right old giggle! It was so funny. He has such a wonderful personality and a cheeky sense of humour! He's sooooo nice and really puts you at ease. The shows went well I think, the first one I was more nervous than the second, but hey... we had fun!

I drove home yesterday around 6pm, after packing up my kit, loading the car and having a coffee.. and then YES!!!! My own bed and cuddles with the hubby and pupsters when I got back! The pooches missed me terribly apparantly and never settled on Sunday night, or yesterday until I got back. This morning, they've done nothing but sleep! Cute!! Oh how I love em!

So.. today.. and back to crafting. I really need to get this design work finished and posted, then I have some Debbi Moore product to get going with. That has to be back for the 31st for a show that is going out.

Well, thanks for reading all my waffle... I'll be back later with some cards.. promise!!


  1. Gosh you have been a busy bee. I agree, Sunday was tinged with sadness about Jade. Glad you had fun on your filming day. Take Care Hazelxo

  2. sounds like you have beena busy girl Jo ..... oh the life of the rich and famous hahaha. So I don't believe that a girl who loves photography didn't get a little snapshot to share with us ..... go on, we won't tell

  3. wowzer jo
    know wonder you knackered after all that...!!!! i think i would have slept for a week after that lot....!!!! i will look out for your show on create and craft...!! sounds like you had loads of fun ...!!!! but i bet your glad to be home and rested now...lol


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