Thursday, 5 March 2009

My Challenge cards for LOTV

Ooooh.. still plodding on with everything, but at least I can share these two cards with you this morning. These have been sitting in my piccie folder for a few weeks now, until this week's challenge over on the LOTV blog was announced.

I absolutely love this card - and those that know me should know this is a rare occurance!
Here is the little ducky in close up.
And here is a close up of the flower I made at the bottom of the card
As far as I remember, the papers are from DCWV Spring pack from last year. The flower was made using the XCut flower punch from Docrafts.

Here is my second card I made - this was using the LOTV products.. I decided to show one with and one without.. plus I got fed up of them just sitting there doing nothing.. lol.
Now.. I do not have a clue what papers these are, they were dug out of my studio drawers to match in with the stamped image. However, the rub ons for the greeting is Basic Grey and so are the doodles. The buttons at the top of the page I made by punching a circle and doodling on them..

Hope you likey! see you soon xx


  1. Hi

    Love both card those doodled buttons are great!The duck card is gorgeous.

    Hope the stress levels have dropped down!


  2. I love that little duck and the colours on both cards are lovely.

  3. Love them both

    The paers are K&Company - Ive just bought them and recognised them :-)

    I hope your feeling de-stressed now

    Zoe x

  4. Stunning cards, love the colouring :o)


  5. Two super cute cards!!!! Love your coloring and the bright cheery colors!


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