Thursday, 12 June 2008

And they called it... puppy love...

It's been a very busy few days here, so apologies for not updating sooner. I have had cards and books galore coming out of my ears. I love being busy, but sometimes you just need a bit of time out.. iyswim. So, today, I spent an afternoon playing with the pupsters.

I'm so glad we have a nice large garden which they can run around in (hence no grass!) after they have been for their nice long walkies - or in Holly's case - run. She always runs like an uncoiled spring out in the woods. Scooby is so much more relaxed, and just loves to take it easy.

Truly is still with us. She is our foster cocker who we have had for the past few weeks. She has come on leaps and bounds over the last three weeks.. she's a cheeky girl, full of mischief, and since being with us, has learnt how to play and have fun. She is now (fingers crossed) getting there with her toilet training. She is 2 years old, but didn't really have a clue after her previous circumstances, but has now been clean in the house for around the last week and half. Bless her. She is leaving us for her new home mid July, so I'm sure there'll be tears around when she goes.

Anyway, here are the photos from yesterday.


  1. Oh what absolutely gorgeous photos, I love them! How can you let that little cocker go? She is tooooo cute for words. Still, I guess you have to think about the next needy doggy that will come along and fill her place...sadly.

  2. Gorgeous dogs - I have a Welsh Springer -


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