Thursday, 12 June 2008

A few little bits..

Here are a few bits I've been working on over the last few days. I can't show a good proportion of my work, it's part of the official secrets act, and I would get shot if I shared.. so sorry... no go.. !

I'm at Papermill in York this evening on behalf of Trimcraft, doing a Loyalty Event, so these are a few of the bits I'm taking with me.
This was covered with the lovely paper from DCWV Nursery Boys. I just love the new packs, they are so more-ish.

Laura Ashley stamps and papers on this one.

Very simple tea bag folding - this one isn't quite finished yet.

And this is a BIA book I made as a prezzie for one of Martina's friends. I made a card to match it too, but that was just basically the same papers. This was from the DCWV Blossoms and Butterflies papers.. they are luvverly!

And last but not least, my favourite.. a little mini album of Holly and Scooby, put together by Carley. I made a presentation bag/box for it to go in too.. How Sweet!


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