Friday, 23 January 2009

to finish the week....

Here are the last few cards for this week... and at the minute, I'm not sure if I'll be able to upload any others next week. I've spilt coffee on the laptop this morning - yes, this one - and although the coffee didn't do any damage, the hectic rubbing of the keys to dry it has knocked off my F11!

You know.. I don't even know what key that is.. or what it was for.... and pushing the little plastic knobble that's left doesn't do anything either!

Oh well.. it's off on it's jollies next week to the repairer.. it even gets courier service there and back!! How nice!

This is made using the new stamps and decoupage from Docrafts.

Stamped with the new Marie Curie stamps.. a lovely collection of acrylic stamps and for a good cause too.

Another quick and easy decoupage from Docrafts.


  1. The bear is so could eat him up with a spoon!

  2. Wonderful cards and you have been very!! tfs!!

  3. Wow Jo you have been busy making some fabulous cards, loving the Forever friends card, lovely image! hugs Linda x

  4. You have been busy Jo...I reckon you are pretty lucky to get your laptop repaired since it was a liquid thing happening. Usually computer stuff isn't very user friendly with liquids....I wish you luck on that front!

    Lovely cards!

  5. Hi Jo,
    Great cards FF is adorable love em all :)
    Craig says he remembers you how could he forget lol and asks how are you and are you are maintaining :)
    I am spending more time choosing what to eat than eating am tryin to get me head round it all cos i dont see how ya can lose eating a big cooked breaky :)but time will tell.
    Val xx

  6. Great cards, love the last one, soooo cute!

    Jane :0)

  7. You have been busy. TFS. Great artwork.


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