Thursday, 3 January 2008

Aren't I doing well?? Day 3!

Day 3
Prompt 3
"Life is too short and too amazing to spend time worring about imperfection "
Ali Edwards

Grab your camera and click, dont worry about the imperfections! Use todays quote for both your photo and journalling prompt.
See you tomorrow

I think the journalling will be kept secret for this one.. lol.. but thought I'd share some imperfect photos.. lol.. I really do try to take photos of Holly that look all pwetty.. because she is sooooo lovely.. But!! Have you ever tried to take a photo that's in focus, of the dot that's running around you at 100mph?? Mmm.. it's not that easy! So, I have lots of these sortsa photos, and lots of really nice ones, from where she relaxes after a hard day's running.. lol..

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