Sunday, 6 January 2008

Day 6 of 365 day challenge

Wow time is going quick.. I didn't get around to doing the challenge over this weekend, but I'll try to keep up and get something up this week!

However.. for those keeping up with me - here's today's challenge.

Day 6

Prompt 6
Hold out your hands to feel the luxury of the sunbeams.
Helen Keller

Our hands tell us alot about the person we are, our occupations, age and life.
What do your hands say about you. Take note

See you tomorrow

LOL.. I was going to take a photo of my hands yesterday - you would have laughed!! They were covered in mud! So I thought I would tell you about my hands instead!

They were covered in mud for a reason.. I took Holly for a walk with her springer friends, Lucy and Meg.. upto the woods to find pine cones. All three of them love to chase and munch on pine cones - alot better for them than stones and sticks. But we had run out, so we went for a walk to find some, only it was a little muddy.. lol.. hence the muddy hands.

but generally my hands say alot about me really.
The shape of my hands is quite square, which apparantly indicates that I am quite creative - how true is that? I demonstrate for companies, doing card making, scrapbooking etc.. They are also covered in cuts and bruises.. The cuts - old and new - are originally from when I was hairdressing years and years ago (my original occupation!) and I cut my hands when cutting hair. In fact I still do at times! The newer cuts are generaly paper and scissor cuts.

The bruises are usually from me bumping them into something, or where Holly play fights and chews my hands - does this make me wierd if I say I like this??? She is just so adorable!!

Apart from these minor things, my hands aren't in too bad a condition! There is also a wedding ring and burn marks - showing my love for my hubby, and cooking for the family!

So.. that's today's post.. I think I am now all up to date!!!

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