Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Poorly pupsters...

Awwww.... today my furbabies are not well... they're all feeling a little under the weather with a bit of a doggy-bug that seems to be going around. Truly has been up most of the night needing the toilet, bless her.

So, I'm going to share a few recent snaps of my lovable furballs here with you.

Here's Truly - yes, I know she looks sad. This is her doing the 'whites of the eyes' game. Everyone she does this to is putty in her hands, and she definately knows how to milk it!

My baby girl... this is little Holly... aka Hollypop / Lollypop.. She is always the one who hates her photo taken, always refusing the look in the direction of the camera. She is officially camera shy.. but I got her on this one - the new pointyshooty camera works wonders for some things!

And Mr Scoobs... the Scoobster! Here he is on his 6th birthday at the weekend.. he'd just woken up from his slumber (yes.. another one!! Very inactive, my springers don'tcha know!) and was looking a bit worse for wear.. but he's always happy to pose for the cameras.

So there we have it.. a little family of under the weather furbabies... Get well soon furry friends!


  1. such lovely doggies - hope they are all better soon xx

  2. Awww poor ickle pupsters!!! Hugz n belly rubs from across the pond....hope they are all better soon!!!! xoxo love to you all xxx

  3. awwww, poor babies, hope they are feeling better hun, they are adorable xxxx

  4. Aw how lovely are your lot xx hope they feel better soon, the cats have been off a bit think they are fed up of the rain. I did enjoy your jiving with Nigel on C n C it made me lol xx

  5. aww hope they get better soon, they are all absolutely gorgeous x

  6. What fabulous pics....hope they are feeling better

  7. Lovely pics so cute, hope they get better soon.
    Fi xx

  8. poor babies, hope they feel better soon - great pics though :)


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