Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Stampin' Up New Catalogue Stampers groups

Hi everyone!

Just a very quick post today as I'm busy making up some swaps for the Stampin' Up Convention here in London later this year.. not too long now!

But I thought with the release of the new catalogue in a couple of days time - YES... a couple of days!!! - that I would get a new Stampers 6 and Stampers 10 club up and running.

If you would like to join me, then just contact me - - and I'll send you the details. The clubs will start as soon as they are full, but hopefully by the end of October. I always keep a place for my craft club and order things that I'll need for the Workshops through that. Maybe you'd like to do the same thing?

You will also get a FREE catalogue sent to your door, and if there are any mini's about whilst you have your place, you will receive these too. You will also get FREE postage on your orders if it's your month as the hostess and also a FREE inkpad of your choice if your order is over £30.  - as well as the Hostess Benefits on your month....  What else could you want? Lots of freebies!!

If you are still wanting something from the Last Chance List, then there still a couple of days for me to get the order in for you. So again, if you can let me know what you'd like as soon as you can.

Right.. must crack on with some samples from the new catalogue and also my swaps for the Convention!

Happy Crafting everyone!

2010-2011 Catalogue PREORDER YOUR COPY NOW £3.99   price includes delivery.

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