Sunday, 5 September 2010

Furry... little... and very lovely!

And very lovely she is too - I'd love for you to meet little Muffy the Boxer..


She is a little beauty isn't she? And nope. She's not my new addition, although I'd have her in a shot.. she is in fact a new baby for the lovely Ann, who I often talk to over the net. We started to talk a while ago now after she lost her other boxer, and it was a heart wrenching time too, as it bought back so many memories of when we lost Asti. So I was absolutely delighted to hear that Ann's family is increasing by four paws!! In fact, I was so happy I needed to show you this little piccie that I 'borrowed' from Ann. If you'd like to see more of little Muffy, then click here to go to Ann's site.

Ann, she is beautiful.. a wonderful, furry, tiny, perfect little Boxer!!! Many, many congratulations.

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