Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Company for Holly maybe??

Well watch this space...
We have been looking around for a little playfriend for Holly for a while now, she loves the company of other dogs, and we felt she would benefit from having someone with her.. anyway, to cut a long story short, we have come across this beautiful young lady down in Devon.. isn't she adorable??
She is in Rescue down there, and I spoke with the lovely lady who is looking after her, this morning and things are looking good so far... just need a homecheck and then go down to meet her. My friend, Elaine, who lives in that area said she will go and see her for me. Isn't that nice?

Anyway, back to the pooch.. her name is Lucy and she's 7 years old.. very good with cats, dogs, and children, and is very placid.. she sounds wonderful! Just what we're after for Holly.

We were wanting to wait until after Christmas as Holly is going in tomorrow to be spayed, so it will give her chance to get over her operation.. and I couldn't resist... watch this space


  1. Aw bless!! What a sweetie! But does she know what's she's letting herself in for?! Hehe!

  2. Awwww she's lovely - hope it works out.


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