Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Pretty in Pink...

Good morning everyone.... 

Today is going to be a very busy day as I am on way to Glasgow to do the ICHF show at the SECC. We are doing the Tonic Workshops, and I am looking forward to catching up with some familiar faces too. 

However, I just wanted to come on and show you another card from my samples I made for the the Pick of the Day... 

For this card, I chose to use the Aztec Allium set and use a fineliner pen to draw through the stencil to create myself a faux stamped image. I joined up the lines as there are little gaps within the outlines of the stencil. This gave me a solid outline to do the colouring. 

For the colouring, I used the Tonic Nuvo pens  and shaded around the outsides with the range of greys within the packs... from the 485 through to the 489.  Then blend out with the blender pen to bring it back to the white of the card. 

The aperture of the front part of the card was was made using the Tonic cutter, which is on the shows too through today... and as you can see, it makes perfect apertures in your cards. 

I hope you like the card today. I will try to get back tomorrow with more inspiration... 

Happy Crafting!! 

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