Tuesday 21 August 2012

Flowers galore...

I am really loving being out in the garden these days - my greenhouse is filling up with courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, physalis and other edible goodies... and the garden is too! We have today had ONE green bean and a whole kaboodle of plums and potatoes! And very nice they were too.

In addition to the veg that is flourishing, I am also loving the beautiful flowers that are really coming along now. I'm sure the rain has helped as the baskets are looking so full with blooms. I really like taking photographs of flowers - in fact, flowers are the one thing that helped me get distinctions on my way to becoming a LRPS with my photography course years ago. (Although, it may be because they stay relatively still when I'm snapping them!)

So, today, I thought I'd share a few of the pictures I took the other day whilst out weeding and replanting. Enjoy.

This is my shrub with no name... well, I'm pretty sure that it does have a name, but it's one of the 'oh dear look at that poor thing - it's half dead... let's take it home' type of plants.. and it didn't ever have a label. I took it home and planted it behind the shed, thinking it was never going to do anything. But it's grown (and grown!) to be a fine specimen with lots of these wonderful flowers that attract many bees. And if it attracts bees, then all is good!

Oh double petunia.... how I love thee... I LOVE this flower - they fill the baskets with a wonderful array of strawberry and cream colour.. and they look amazing. I'm hoping that they go to seed at some point so that I can throw a few in a pot next year.

No garden is ever complete without a marigold or two.. but these basket plants are just a little bit posher than a normal marigold (which I do plant so that the hedgehogs can feast on them). The colours are always so vibrant and they brighten up any basket. And they flower wonderfully throughout the season too, which is always a bonus!

Another plant with no name. Although this was planted in a basket and I took out the label without looking what it was... and it's lovely innit?? Will have to do a bit of 'googling' to find out what it is me thinks.

Oh sweet verbena... how I love thee too... Such delicate flowers, and as my friend Julie said... how comes they grow soooo tall and lanky, yet they are always upright and never fall over?! Amazing plants, and yes, I grew these from seed... so pleased that they survived my neglect at times.

I will post again soon.. but just wanted to share these beauties.


  1. Beautiful photographs = its amazing how flowers can lift your spirits.

    Joan x

  2. Wow, stunning pictures, i love sitting in our garden watching the flowers & birds, so peaceful x

  3. brilliant photos Jo, didn't realise hedgehogs like marigolds x

  4. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photographs of flowers in your garden.

    Linda xxx

  5. you have some beautiful flowers in your garden x

  6. Absolutely BEE U TEE FULL Jo!!!!! Wish we had hedgehogs over here in Canada! Love your pics!!! Flowers really do lift your spirits eh? This year i planted acouple of morning glories beside my garage wall...which i love n will attract the hummers n bees...well, they grew n grew n grew n...still growing BUT no flowers!!!!!! I'm just gutted! Oh well maybe next year i'll luck out with blooms! Do you plant hollyhocks too? Another fave i forgot to plant this year but i did plant 5 blue gladiolus at my Mom's grave and they flowered beautifully...however they are purple and not the blue the pictured showed on the pack! Not very green thumbed am i??? LOL


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