Friday 22 August 2008

What do you think?

I've updated my blog with various things this morning, and to be honest.. it's not on my list of 'to do's ' but I really enjoyed doing it - until a knock came to my door at 8.30 (lots of boxes of Jammy Dodgers!! ) and again at 9.00 (a scrummy luvverly delivery of new product from my beloved Docrafts for my demonstrations).

I eventually got back to it and
  • got a new background
  • made a new topper
  • changed the wordings at the bottom of my posts
  • created and installed my own signature
Who would have thought that playing with HTML would be such a hoot!!!!


  1. It looks great! I love the background!

  2. Hi Jo

    Emma Daye here, I have just set up my blog and am trying to sort it out. So far so good. I have put your blog on mine as a link.

    speak to you soon


  3. I love your new Header Jo!! Your new look is fab!


Animated Social Gadget - Blogger And Wordpress Tips