Thursday, 15 May 2008

The Artistic Stamper..

This company makes the most wonderful stamps and Jenny and Hels are the nicest folks you could wish to meet..the watch on the DCM card below is from their range too..

And this stamp is for their blog challenge..why not give it a go? It's really good fun. Here's my entry.


  1. This card is stunning!
    Well done you.....

  2. Jo, Thank you for joining in, and for the lovely comments .
    Jennie x

  3. Ooohhhh, Jo... With no exaggeration, this is the most beautiful card I have ever seen! I absolutely LOVE it!! (swoon)

    So glad I popped over.. Wanted to let you know that - now my mews is back (did you see?) :o) - I have finally got around to photographing the blog candy and putting up a proper thank you on my blog. (It will be up in just a second or two.) :o)

    Heather xx


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