Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A quick update...

So, now I've announced the winner of the diary I have sat here, I thought I'd just give you all a little update to what's been going on.. Truth is, not alot only work! lol..

Last week, I thought I'd get on with some of my demo samples for Saturday, as I was starting my next two months of demos with a day at Craft Central in Derby - I loves that shop! Then I got a call to ask if I was available for some shows on Create and Craft, which I was... and got the kit the day after, so I avidly started making samples for that, only for it to be postponed at the last minute.. so things weren't quite as hectic as I'd thought.

I also took a little trip over to a great little shop in Barnsley, as we had planned to do a couple of masterclasses for her customers. So, products in hand, I headed home to draw up some ideas and create the samples and demo projects for that..

So, back to making demo samples. The items I've got to work with for the next two months are Boofle (simply cute!!), dimensions stickers (love these!!! they look unappealing in the packing, but are amazing!) Enchanted fairies (totally adorable!!) and lots more besides! It's a fantastic kit this time for the demo's, and judging by sales on Saturday, it's also very very popular already! We had lots of sell outs on the day from all the ranges.

This week, I'm at Reams in Derby on Saturday. Not a shop that I've been to before, so I'm looking forward to meeting everyone down there. I'm sure we'll have a blast! Then on Sunday, I'm taking a trip to Peterborough to Create and Craft for a few shows. So, today, my plan is to do the rest of the bits I need for that.

Whatever you're upto this week, please pop by and let me know... I'll be back later this evening with a card or two for you.

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