Saturday, 2 October 2010

A couple of little videos

I thought I would just share another couple of videos with you all this morning - I am eagerly awaiting my Sis coming today. She flew over from Canada a couple of weeks ago, and has been travelling around England. Lesley is coming to see us for a few days from today, and I can't wait - so I've really had no time to make any cards.

These are a few I was asked for at my demo's on previous weeks.

This first one just shows how to use the Embossing folders without a machine.

How to use the Bonding Powder and Hot Foils.


  1. Thank you for the tutorial about how to use an embossing folder without a machine. This is absolutely brilliant.

  2. Thanks Jo for this tutorial I have been trying to do this hot foiling for a while and couldn't remember how to do it. Going to go and have a try now.


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