Friday, 11 June 2010

A rose is a rose ...

Over the years, I'm managed to accumulate quite a few different photo albums and online web sites, zoomshare and webshots to name but two!

I've decided to look through these sites and save some of the images onto my discs, so I thought I'd share a few with you over the next couple of days.

Here's a little bit of parchment craft I did a while ago, so this is my card for today.


I learnt parchment craft a long time ago now, and this was one of my earliest cards that I had done. It was only a few months after I'd got the hang of it. Still, I think it's quite pretty.

I hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Mrs Austin!! I've always wanted to have a go at Parchment, but it really frightens me!! Love it....



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