I've been sat since around half past five this morning making bits and pieces on Photoshop for my very good friend, Lynne. I've made headers, blinkies - you name it, I've done it.
It's been really good to sit and have a faff on Photoshop and I must say, I do get a bit addicted to what it can do.
So - today, I finished colouring in a little Bunny for a card I'm making for Carley's father-in-law, so thought I'd continue playing with photoshop whilst I was at it.
Look what I made!
I took photos on each step that I did, and merged them to create this little film. I still need to faff with the quality, but it's getting there!
FYI, I used prisma's for the colouring and sansador to blend it.
Hope you likey..
Very clever Jo, it's brilliant!!