Monday, 13 April 2009

Does anyone want a challenge blog?

I've thought long and hard over this decision for the last few weeks, and now I've made a decision!

My beloved Forever Friends challenge blog is looking for a new mummy.. would you like this baby?

I have just got a few things on lately, and cannot give it my whole attention that I could before, so things are starting to get a bit tedious. I have offered this to the DT this evening, and also I'm offering it on here if anyone would like to take over.

It is a highly successful blog, with over 140 followers and regular contributors. I just think now is the time to let it go to someone who will cherish it for the second year.

So.. if you are interested, please let me know.. my email is on the sidebar, or you can leave a comment that doesn't go on line until I say so.. lol..

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