Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Feathers and flora

I thought as I was being creative earlier on the computer, I would share a few of my photographs.. they are quite varied, so I hope you enjoy them..

This one was taken yesterday. It's a starling which sat waiting to go onto the feeder. I was really taken with the irridescent colouring on the feathers.

Keeping with the 'furry' theme, here's my son's tarantula in close up.. This was taken last year, she died a few months ago. Suprisingly, she sat still whilst I pointed the camera at her, which is most unlike the children..

This was a close up photo of a lily. My eldest daughter bought them for me when we lost Asti the other week. They were in bloom for two weeks, and looked lovely.

This is a bit of an oldie picture now, but thought I would share it to brighten up my blog haha..
I took this one for a commision for the Amateur Photographer magazine a few years ago. I did a set of close up flower portraits, which were spread over a two page feature in the magazine.
How chuffed was I??? My first bit of fame

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